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目前分類:Savoring Cebu 玩味宿霧島 (9)

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News on 6/25/2008

Don 在中廣電台接受 “綺麗世界” 李秀媛小姐訪談 2008/6/25 15:30~16:00 (台灣╱香港時間) 現場直播

Savoring Cebu*
Don will be doing live broadcasting interview with the BCC Radio talk show hostess Miss Lee Xioyuan on 6/25/2008, at 15:30~16:00 (Taiwan/Hong Kong local time).

* 玩味宿霧島 - 唐 Don Schumann 最新菲律賓宿霧島的旅遊書 目前在台灣零售價$280 NTD 美國的美金售價$18.99 USD 在加拿大的加幣定價$19.54 CND 皆免運費(內含)

* Savoring Cebu - 唐 Don Schumann's latest new travel book of Cebu, Philippines. The retail selling price is $280 NTD for Taiwan, $18.99 USD for United States and $19.54 CND for Canada (shipping and handling charges are included).

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Hotel Trotter • Island Traveler of Savoring Cebu

旅店浪人 •  島遊家 玩味宿霧島

Hotel-Huf • Insel-Reisender von Savoring Cebu

ホテルの浪人 •  味見Cebu の島の旅行者

RockYou FXText

旅店浪人 島遊家
Savoring Cebu

By  唐 Don Schumann

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Savoring Cebu

圖文 ⇒ 唐 Don Schumann



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【備份】您的心得回應 Here!


旅店浪人 島遊家
Savoring Cebu

圖文 ⇒ 唐 Don Schumann




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Thanks for taking a great interest in my latest travel book of "Hotel Trotter • The Island Traveler of Savoring Cebu".
You may place oversea order on-line via internet bookstore, such as,
Orders are sent by air ships, and thus charge a higher fee.

Here is the shipping price quote.

感謝您對於我這本最新旅行書 “旅店浪人 • 島遊家 玩味宿霧島” 的高度關切
您可以經由網路書店 如博客來 從網路上直接發出國外訂單
一律採取國際空運 因而收取較高的費用


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Updates - 8/1/2008 更新

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《旅店浪人 • 島遊家 玩味宿霧島》新書預告,6月強檔
《Hotel Trotter • Island Traveler of Savoring Cebu》Available in June, 2008

圖文*旅店浪人 唐 Don Schumann





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好康活動 ::Part I:: Po文賺取玩味宿霧島新書共30本 贈送辦法

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好康活動 ::Part II:: 買玩味宿霧島 送您去宿霧島玩味 抽獎辦法

1. 買六月新書《玩味宿霧島》。
2. 於97/7/31前詳填書中讀者回函擲回郵筒寄回(以郵戳日期為憑)。
3. 於97/8/5公開抽出1名幸運讀者,獲得菲律賓觀光部提供之免費4天3夜宿霧自由行(獎項包含華信航空 台北-宿霧
台北來回機票一套+Hilton Cebu Resort & Spa 4天3夜住宿+當地機場飯店接送)
4. 得獎人名單於97/8/6公布於本網站及活動部落格:跟著書本到處玩
5. 得獎人需於通知得獎後1週內攜帶得獎本人身分證前來領取獎項,逾期或資料不符者視同放棄。(台灣洽詢專線:02-27388115)
6. 本獎項由菲律賓觀光部提供,不得轉讓第三人或折換現金,獎項不包含機場稅、兵險、燃油費、簽證、護照等費用。

<Don's English translation below>

::Part II:: Buy Savoring Cebu to Win Cebu Package Sweepstake

To enter the sweepstake listed below, pick up a copy of Savoring Cebu. Fill out the reader's registration form, all of the required fields, included in the book of Savoring Cebu. Then mail it back to the publisher by the end date of 7/31/2008. To win a Cebu 4 Days 3 Nights package including the Mandarin Airlines' Taipei-Cebu round trip air tickets, Hilton Cebu Resort & Spa 3 nights' accommodation plus free airport transfers. Sponsored by the Philippine Department of Tourism. Drawing of 1 winner will take place on 8/5/2008. The name of winner will be announced/published both on the websites and the official blogs on 8/6/2008. Please note that we cannot award you any prizes if we cannot contact you. We do NOT sell this information to third parties. Prize is not transferable or redeemable for cash. All taxes, insurance, port charges and visa fees are exclusive.

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