My Food Shots
Do you like my food shots? In fact, most of my food shots, 99% maybe, are casual and faulty. Maybe you have come to realize I had made some fine cuisine pictures of First-Class meals for airliners, and some for a French wine company. Those were very rare cases. I am not a professional expert for food photography. Just do them for a handful good friends.

你喜歡我的美食照片嗎? 實際上 我大多數的食物攝影  約99% 都是隨機隨興和有暇疵的 或許你偶然發現一些航空公司頭等艙美食和少許法國名酒公司美好的烹調圖片是我的作品 終究 那些是非常罕見的事例 我並不是一位專業食物攝影專家 只為極少數好朋友出手而已 切莫見笑

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