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I shot the Taiwan famous TV entertainer Xiao Xien, Miss Kelly, for focusing on Boracay tourism under behalf of the Philippine Department of Tourism and travel agencies.
Hotel Trotter / 唐 Don Schumann

Publishing conference and meeting for the new book.
At 14:30~16:00 on 12/13/2007, taking place on the 3rd floor Square of Eslite XinYi bookstore, by Miss Kelly in Taipei, Taiwan.

<Message in Traditional Chinese Below>

我拍攝了臺灣著名的電視藝人小嫻小姐的旅遊寫真集 在菲律賓國家觀光部暨旅遊業者的全力支援之下 做為推廣長灘島旅遊
旅店浪人 / 唐 Don Schumann

12/13/2007, 2:30pm-4:00pm 誠品信義書店 3F廣場 Forum 主講/黃瑜嫻(小嫻)

Modeling by 小嫻
Hairstyle by Jiun Nan
Makeup by Jir Yuan Lo
Location in Boracay, Philippines
Styling by A Jin, Xenia & Xiao Xien
Creation & Photos by me, 唐 Don Schumann


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The latest glamor/travel book photographed by 唐 Don Schumann.

由 唐 Don Schumann 所拍攝的新書《小嫻-到長灘島渡假去》發表

Modeling by 小嫻
Hairstyle by Jiun Nan
Makeup by Jir Yuan Lo
Location in Boracay, Philippines
Styling by A Jin, Xenia & Xiao Xien
Creation & Photos by me, 唐 Don Schumann


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