Don Schumann Photography on Blogspot Now!
請撥冗至下列新家拜訪 We have Moved! The new site can be reached at:

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Don 持續在 PixNet 部落開啟網誌的目的是為和在痞客邦的舊網友交流之用





I am moving to new sites. It will be no longer updated here.

for my personal world travel,

另有世界旅遊 Hotel Trotter 旅店浪人 主站


for professional photography,

以及專業攝影 Don Schumann Photography 攝影工作誌 站點


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尤其是 funP 與 的網誌連結




已遷移 敬請更新 持續追蹤您所喜愛的內容


來年的攝影嗜好 更精進 更發展

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我只是一位在台灣單打獨鬥的攝影師 沒有金錢 沒有時間 沒有勢力和這些大型企業 為了要回我被侵佔的創作權益去纏鬥


International Copyrights Legal Help Wanted

I am just an individual photographer in Taiwan, with no money, no time nor confidence to fight with those major firms in order to reclaim back my copyrights.

Please help me to reduce this unhealthy trend leading by these giant medias and organizations.

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French fashion house Louis Vuitton debuted the brand’s first TV and cinema commercial. On 2/15/2008, it happened to be my 20th anniversary in the photography industry.

Be on the lookout!

法國時尚LV首度的電視電影品牌形象廣告問世 在2008/2/15 也剛好是個人在攝影產業的第20週年


More eye-catching pictures about LVMH at,

All Sexy Shoes

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DonSchumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

公元二○○七年十一月中旬起 暫停飛行 緩延通告 打算找地方沈澱 閉關創作 生活歸零 當一陣子正牌居家男

All out-of-town flight schedule will be suspended, all work will be postponed. In order to concentrate on my next yearly creative projects. In the meantime can set my life back to zero as a real home person. Effective date starting from mid November, 2007.

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Will not be available between 11/1 and 11/4/2007 11/9 and 11/12/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages on my blogs. Here is my local number +63.919.8830.210. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you.

<Message in Mandarin Version>
11/1 - 11/4/2007 11/9 -11/12/2007 期間無法為您服務。 如果,您需要與我聯繫,請嘗試以“英文簡訊” 並且/或者 發送 “電子郵件” 給我,或者請留下信息在我的部落格。當地手機  +63.919.8830.210 。為此不便,深感抱歉與謝謝愛護。

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Will be out of town and will not be available starting from 11/5/2007 11/4 to 11/6/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages on my blogs. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you.

<Message in Mandarin Version>
11/5/2007 11/4 -11/6/2007 出差,無法為您服務。 如果,您需要與我聯繫,請嘗試以“英文簡訊” 並且/或者 發送 “電子郵件” 給我,或者請留下信息在我的部落格。

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I just came back to Taiwan from the 14 days of island hopping project, one breath at a time. Again, my team was gearing up and already flew to next destinations to carry out next 2 assignments. Will not be available between 9/21 and 10/1/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages on my blogs. Here is my local number +63.919.8830.210. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you.

<Message in Mandarin Version>
我 剛從14天的海島工作 回到台灣。 再次,我的小團隊業已飛行到下個目的地,一口氣將同時執行兩項新任務。 在 9/21-10/1/2007 期間無法為您服務。 如果,您需要與我聯繫,請嘗試以“英文簡訊” 並且/或者 發送 “電子郵件” 給我,或者請留下信息在我的部落格。當地手機  +63.919.8830.210 。為此不便,深感抱歉與謝謝愛護。

DonSchumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear blogging friends,

My name is Don, of course, you all knew already.
Thanks for dropping by and posting valuable comments here. I am so sorry for being crazily busy these days and being a bad friend. I am still having many upcoming projects waiting, so many locations to fly for work. I will try my best to continue to upload my new hotel adventure diaries, I promise. See you! It is likely somewhere, sometime, all over the globe.

唐 Don Schumann


感謝走訪並在這裡張貼寶貴的評論。這些日子來我還是瘋狂地繁忙著的,很抱歉,我是一個壞朋友。 我仍然有許多即將來臨的工作合約等待被完成,許多地點等著為工作而飛行。 我將設法盡力繼續上傳,我最新的旅館冒險日誌,我許諾。 再會!可能是任何地點,任何時間,在全世界的各個角落。

唐 Don Schumann

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The luxury tropical island breeze is beckoning me and my team again. I am out of town for "Dream Vacation Islands Part II" on-site locations. Will not be available between 8/18 - 8/31/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages on my blogs. Here is my local number +63.919.8830.210 as well. Thank you. Note: No cellular signals coverage on a certain islands. Sorry about that!

<Message in Mandarin Version>
奢華的熱帶島嶼海風正在召喚著我和我的工作成員 進行“窩在五星級小島 Part II”系列 外景工作 8/18 - 8/31/2007 期間 如有要事 請以簡訊或電郵聯絡 在此部落格留言亦可 另有當地電話備詢 謝謝 公告: 部份渡假島嶼沒有架設基地台 如果收不到訊號 請見諒

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I am out of town for "Dream Vacation Islands Part II" and working with TV media from Taiwan on locations. Will not be available between 5/20 - 5/25/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages here. Here is my local number +63.919.8830.210 as well. Thank you.

正在進行“窩在五星級小島 Part II”系列 5/20 - 5/25/2007 期間 與來自台灣的電視節目一起出外景工作 期間 如有要事 請以簡訊或電郵聯絡 在此部落格留言亦可 另有當地電話備詢

DonSchumann 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am flying out of town for "Dream Vacation Islands Part II" and working with medias from Taiwan on locations. Will not be available. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages here. Just let me know if you need my local number as well. Thank you.

正在進行“窩在五星級小島 Part II”系列 並與 來自台灣的媒體一起出外景工作 期間 如有要事 請以簡訊或電郵聯絡 在此部落格留言亦可 另有當地電話備詢

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Best Wishes in The Year of Pig!

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