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I just came back to Taiwan from the 14 days of island hopping project, one breath at a time. Again, my team was gearing up and already flew to next destinations to carry out next 2 assignments. Will not be available between 9/21 and 10/1/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages on my blogs. Here is my local number +63.919.8830.210. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you.

<Message in Mandarin Version>
我 剛從14天的海島工作 回到台灣。 再次,我的小團隊業已飛行到下個目的地,一口氣將同時執行兩項新任務。 在 9/21-10/1/2007 期間無法為您服務。 如果,您需要與我聯繫,請嘗試以“英文簡訊” 並且/或者 發送 “電子郵件” 給我,或者請留下信息在我的部落格。當地手機  +63.919.8830.210 。為此不便,深感抱歉與謝謝愛護。

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