Don Schumann Photography on Blogspot Now!
請撥冗至下列新家拜訪 We have Moved! The new site can be reached at:


I started social networking for getting internet connection, in the USA, somewhere 15 years back.

I came up with the idea of naming myself (an unforeseen term of) "Hotel Trotter". This ID name perfectly fits right into my career arc of combining lifestyle with world travel.

And then, began my personal blogging in recent years about world experience under my belt.

我大概15年以前在美國 開始透過戶聯網路與社群網絡連結

因此 我自創了 “旅店浪人” 這個 (中英文皆) 前所未見的名詞 這個網路 ID 名字完全適合地切入 我與世界旅行並結合生活方式的事業軸線

然後 近年來我開始了關於個人親身體驗世界經驗的部落格

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尤其是 funP 與 的網誌連結




已遷移 敬請更新 持續追蹤您所喜愛的內容


來年的攝影嗜好 更精進 更發展

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Here is my first debut article related to Vietnam featuring Ha Long Bay story for Taiwan biggest daily new, Liberty Times. Released on 10/7/2009.



這是我第一篇關於越南文章的初登場 發表在臺灣發行最大的自由時報中 刊出日期在 10/7/2009

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Don 持續在 PixNet 部落開啟網誌的目的是為和在痞客邦的舊網友交流之用





I am moving to new sites. It will be no longer updated here.

for my personal world travel,

另有世界旅遊 Hotel Trotter 旅店浪人 主站


for professional photography,

以及專業攝影 Don Schumann Photography 攝影工作誌 站點


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News on 6/25/2008

Don 在中廣電台接受 “綺麗世界” 李秀媛小姐訪談 2008/6/25 15:30~16:00 (台灣╱香港時間) 現場直播

Savoring Cebu*
Don will be doing live broadcasting interview with the BCC Radio talk show hostess Miss Lee Xioyuan on 6/25/2008, at 15:30~16:00 (Taiwan/Hong Kong local time).

* 玩味宿霧島 - 唐 Don Schumann 最新菲律賓宿霧島的旅遊書 目前在台灣零售價$280 NTD 美國的美金售價$18.99 USD 在加拿大的加幣定價$19.54 CND 皆免運費(內含)

* Savoring Cebu - 唐 Don Schumann's latest new travel book of Cebu, Philippines. The retail selling price is $280 NTD for Taiwan, $18.99 USD for United States and $19.54 CND for Canada (shipping and handling charges are included).

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我只是一位在台灣單打獨鬥的攝影師 沒有金錢 沒有時間 沒有勢力和這些大型企業 為了要回我被侵佔的創作權益去纏鬥


International Copyrights Legal Help Wanted

I am just an individual photographer in Taiwan, with no money, no time nor confidence to fight with those major firms in order to reclaim back my copyrights.

Please help me to reduce this unhealthy trend leading by these giant medias and organizations.

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Copyrights Infringement (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


我也碰過作品被本地 混血超大的廣告公司 把我在泰國拍的照片拿去做豪華別墅案的大廣告 (這還會缺預算嗎 根本是不尊重) 直到我回台灣才發現

也曾在網路上看到自己的圖片出現在一位完全不認識作者的書本封面上 奇怪 那家出版社我也沒聽過耶 怎麼可能跟我“借”得到片子?

如果事先未被告知 或不付版權費已經很過份了 甚至是二次“利用” 居然還不肯主動出示創作者名號 最過分的 還可能連創作者的名字也是別人的 而不是 唐 Don Schumann

你們到底要到哪一年才能進化到 "付版稅 正我名” 的年代?

The "misuse" of copyrights are still common in Taiwan.

Years ago I returned to Taiwan only then to find out that there was a local hybrid advertising giant choosing to use one of my shots taken in Thailand for a luxury villa campaign without my knowledge, nor paying me a dine for it. Do not tell me they fell short of budget in this case!

Also, I discovered one of the pictures I took appeared on a book cover which was belonged to an author I did not even know. Never heard of its publisher either. I wonder whom they actually "borrowed" that cover shot from?

It is so rude without being noticed in advance nor being paid the copyright royalties. Oftentimes, pictures were being reused without giving me credits. Some are even imprinted others names instead of mine, 唐 Don Schumann.

When are you going to evolve into the "paying royalties and giving my name back" era?

Latest found examples,

Where is my name, when my work helps creating web flows and while you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies?
我的作品幫您創造網路流量 當您在收取鉅額的廣告費時 以及 龐大的實體雜誌營收時 您把原作者的名字擺哪裡?

Where is my name, when my work helps creating web flows and while you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies?
我的作品幫您創造網路流量 當您在收取鉅額的廣告費時 以及 龐大的實體雜誌營收時 您把原作者的名字擺哪裡?

Why is my name (photo credit) replaced by someone I do not know? Did you pay me yet?
為什麼我的創作權名字被一個陌生人取代? 我收費了嗎?

Why is my name (photo credit) replaced by some travel magazine I never work with? While you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies, where, exactly, my copyrights are?
為什麼我的創作權名字被一家從未合作過的旅遊雜誌社取代? 當您在收取鉅額的廣告費時 以及 龐大的實體雜誌營收時 您把原作者的名字和權益擺哪裡?

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Hotel Trotter • Island Traveler of Savoring Cebu

旅店浪人 •  島遊家 玩味宿霧島

Hotel-Huf • Insel-Reisender von Savoring Cebu

ホテルの浪人 •  味見Cebu の島の旅行者

RockYou FXText

旅店浪人 島遊家
Savoring Cebu

By  唐 Don Schumann

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Savoring Cebu

圖文 ⇒ 唐 Don Schumann



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【備份】您的心得回應 Here!


旅店浪人 島遊家
Savoring Cebu

圖文 ⇒ 唐 Don Schumann




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Thanks for taking a great interest in my latest travel book of "Hotel Trotter • The Island Traveler of Savoring Cebu".
You may place oversea order on-line via internet bookstore, such as,
Orders are sent by air ships, and thus charge a higher fee.

Here is the shipping price quote.

感謝您對於我這本最新旅行書 “旅店浪人 • 島遊家 玩味宿霧島” 的高度關切
您可以經由網路書店 如博客來 從網路上直接發出國外訂單
一律採取國際空運 因而收取較高的費用


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Updates - 8/1/2008 更新

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